Uniting For Ukraine
(Rogue Valley)
Welcomes You
It Takes a Village...And We Are Calling On Ours!
Uniting for Ukraine Rogue Valley is a local organization coming to the humanitarian aid of Ukrainian refugees who need shelter and security from the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Ashland is fortunate to have two fine organizations supporting Ukraine: Our own Uniting for Ukraine Rogue Valley (U4URV) and the Ashland-Sviatohirsk Aid Project (ASAP).
Uniting for Ukraine Rogue Valley focuses on bringing Ukrainian families and individuals out of the war zone, arranging transportation to the US, and resettlement in the Rogue Valley. Once here, a core of host families and volunteers ensure basic needs are met for housing, food, jobs, communication, health, and transportation.
Donations to U4URV go to supporting Ukrainians here in the Rogue Valley region.
ASAP focuses on helping Ashland's Ukrainian sister city, Sviatohirsk, restore its infrastructure after the incredible damage done by Russian forces in the area. Donations to ASAP go to help those in Sviatohirsk, Ukraine.
Although we support each other’s missions, we are not affiliated.

Ways We Help
Connecting Ukrainian Refugees With Housing, Education, Healthcare, and More

Connecting Refugees and Hosts
Housing For Refugees
We're looking for families willing to host Ukrainian refugees as they settle into a new life in Oregon's Rogue Valley. If you're interested, please reach out to us via the Contact form.
Assisting With Self-sufficiency
We're assisting our Ukrainian guests to become self-sufficient in their lives here in southern Oregon. We provide support in many ways including:
English as a Second Language (ESL) tutoring
Healthcare access and navigation
Employment assistance via job searches, resume support, and language skills
Transportation assistance such as purchasing cars
Finding host families/organizations to provide housing
Assisting with education needs for children

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"